Timber Harvesting
Timber Harvesting Services in Pennsylvania
At Trumbull Forest Products, we offer timber harvesting services to meet the needs of our clients Timber harvesting services are a set of professional services that are provided to harvest, manage, and maintain a sustainable timber resource. It includes a range of activities such as selective harvesting, clear-cutting, salvaging, and regeneration cuts.
Timber harvesting services are essential for the sustainable use of forest resources and maintaining a viable economic industry in our region.
At Trumbull, our timber harvests and contract negotiations are provided by trained and experienced foresters who are committed to preserving the environment and ensuring that the forest can be enjoyed by future generations.

At Trumbull Forest Products, we offer timber harvesting services to meet the needs of our clients Timber harvesting services are a set of professional services that are provided to harvest, manage, and maintain a sustainable timber resource. It includes a range of activities such asselective harvesting , clear-cutting, salvaging, and regeneration cuts. Timber harvesting services are essential for the sustainable use of forest resources and maintaining a viable economic industry in our region. At Trumbull, our timber harvests and contract negotiations are provided by trained and experienced foresterswho are committed to preserving the environment and ensuring that the forest can be enjoyed by future generations.
At Trumbull Forest Products, we offer a wide range of timber harvesting services to meet the needs of our customers. Our services include:
- Final harvests, also known as clear cuts: This method of harvesting involves removing all trees from a specific area of land. This method is used when the land is being converted to a different use, such as agriculture or urban development.
- First-time thinnings:, it involves selectively cutting certain trees to promote growth in the remaining trees.
- Second-time thinnings: and it involves removing trees that have grown too close together, in order to promote growth in the remaining trees.
- Seed tree, natural regeneration, and residential cuts: These methods are used for aesthetics or future regeneration, they involve selective cutting of certain trees to promote growth and regeneration of the forest.
- Whole tree chipping: This method is normally used in conjunction with first-time thinning or clear cutting and it involves removing the whole tree and chipping it into small pieces for use as fuel or other products.
- Fuel chipping: This method involves removing trees and chipping them into small pieces for use as bio fuel.
- Hardwood shovel logging: This method, also known as “swamp logging”, is used under very wet conditions and involves removing hardwood trees using specialized equipment.
Our experienced teams are equipped to handle any type of timber harvesting job, from thinning to clear cutting, low-ground-pressure jobs, and more. No matter what your needs or the size of your timber harvesting requirements, Trumbull Forest Products will manage the process from start to finish, ensuring that your timber harvesting is done efficiently, safely and sustainably.

Environmental Land Management
At Trumbull Forest Products, the environment is our number one concern. This is why we employ professional foresters and require that our logging crews are certified in Environmental Logging through state SFI programs.
We take everything into account, from protecting the wildlife that makes the forest their home, to the regeneration of the forest itself. In addition, we look at the effects of soil erosion and run-off as well as the possibility of contaminants to the environment. By selective harvesting, we can control the impact we have on your land with regards to wildlife, regeneration, soil erosion, and contamination. We believe that by protecting our environment today, we ensure the resource will be there in the future for others to enjoy.